Bacon, Eggs and God

Bacon and Eggs and God. Come and Dine

Why Nothing Seems To Astonish Us Anymore

We have become a high-expectation and low-commitment culture.

When we gather together for worship, some give a little money, volunteer occasionally at a ministry event, and exchange superficial prayer requests with one another, but most are not radically committed like the early Christians of the New Testament.

What is the reason for this passivity? It is not because the church (collectively…the body of believers) has a problem; it is because we as individual believers have a problem. Specifically: an ASTONISHMENT problem.

If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

I think many of us have neglected to set our minds on things that are above when it comes to local church fellowship and ministry.

Whether we like to admit it, we have attached our Christianity to the pursuit of the American Dream. We want success, financial stability, the big house, an expensive vehicle, exquisite meals, and extravagant vacations. Rather than investing in the eternal treasures of the kingdom of God, most of our physical, emotional, and spiritual energy is drained on our temporal pursuits…things on the earth.

But if our hearts are being progressively captured by the astonishment of God, his work, his grace, and his mercy…things above…we will begin to see our gathering together not just as a place where we meet, but as a major commitment in our life. We will take studying the Scriptures seriously; we will take giving seriously; we will take relationships seriously; we will take ministry opportunities seriously; we will take prayer requests seriously. Our hearts, minds, and hands will be set on that which is above.

Be a good steward of the time given to you by God and do not waste time waiting to develop your astonishment of God. Because for the rest of our lives, we will wrestle between living in astonishment of God and living in astonishment of the things on earth.

By God’s grace, we have been raised up with Christ and can experience victory today.

Confess your struggle, quit shopping for temporal things, and start investing in eternal things. There is a whole world around us that needs help and by helping others it gives us an opportunity to share the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.

Do something nice for someone today. It’s a Jesus thing.

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About David

Missionary - Teacher - Counselor - Apologist

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