Archive | July 2022

Snap Thoughts


Greetings Family!

Slowly…too slow for me…travel restrictions are being eliminated. Keep praying that all governments will go the distance and immediately remove ALL of their travel restrictions.

Due to restrictions, many businesses have permanently closed their doors. This, in turn, causes a loss of employment for many bread winners. Yes, people are going hungry. Some families only have enough food for two small meals each day. Household budgets are stretched paper thin.

Spot food shortages in the market are commonplace. As shipping costs continue to escalate, it appears that the situation is not going to improve any time soon. Even if you have the funds to purchase food, it matters not if there is no food on the shelves.

I am trying my best to help out where I can. For example, when I buy three cans of tuna, I put one can in my pantry, I give one can to a needy family, and I save one can in my emergency food box. This is the same pattern I apply to most of my food purchases.

Keep praying. Stay the course. Do something nice for someone today.

That said, I want to take this opportunity to welcome our newest follower of Pressing the Issue. In keeping with my promise to acknowledge every new family member, let’s all give a warm welcome to David (tipsforanabundentlifestyle).

Thank you to all who read and follow the blog.

If Pressing the Issue has been a blessing and a help to you, please pass along the link to you family members, friends, coworkers and neighbors. It’s nice to share.
