Tag Archive | Truth

Snap Thoughts



Greetings Family,

In my recent posts I have talked about the excessive heat we have been experiencing and the severe lack of rainfall. As of today, we have passed the 120 day mark without rain. Which is really ironic considering we are living on a relatively small island in the West Philippine Sea. A tropical island surrounded by water, but no rain…crazy.

Farmers are suffering as their crops have wilted and died. That will translate into higher prices at the market for fruits and vegetables. Due to high unemployment coupled with inflation…many folks just don’t have the money to purchase adequate amounts of food. Malnutrition leads to the body’s inability to fight off bacterial and/or viral infections. 

Recently, grass fires have become a regular occurrence. Considering that many of the homes here are made of native materials they are highly combustible. A grass fire sends up embers that can easily set such homes ablaze. Sadly, we have had two major fires that have displaced 500+ citizens.

Yes, we truly need rain! Please pray for us. People are suffering.

Just a quick update on the subscribers to the blog. We have two new followers of Pressing the Issue. So in keeping with my promise to acknowledge every new family member please join me in welcoming roger kinlay and Debbie.

In closing, I humbly ask that you pray for us. I believe if enough of you pray…those prayers will be answered and we will receive the necessary amounts of rain.

Until next time…stay focused, stay calm, stay informed.
